Customized Package/ One Month Package
Overview & Topics Covered:
- Determining Baseline (finding behaviors that need to be altered and strategies to do so)
- Goal Setting
- Biometrics (Body Fat Testing, Measurements & Pictures)
- Highlighting Activity (What is One Block? portion of Handbook)
- Macronutrients and which ones to focus on
- Personalizing one day
- Eating Around Your Workouts
- Supplementation
- The Plate Method
- Interpreting the Meal Plan
- Food Logging & MyFitnessPal (Changing their numbers in MyFitnessPal)
- 2 week Check-In via email or text
- 1 Month Follow-up visit, re-evaluation baseline/behavioral modifications & re-measure weight, body fat, measurements & pictures
Daily Tracking Excel Spreadsheet
Video Success Stories to share (From Lindsay, CrossFit Kinetics)
Overview & Topics Covered:
Individual Measurements, Body Fat Testing & Pictures appointments prior to Nutrition Seminar and Kickoff Date
Nutrition Seminar Topics
– Keys to Success
– Goal Setting
– Nutrition Foundations: Cover all Macronutrients
– The Plate Method
– Interpreting the Meal Plan
– Eating Around Your Workouts
– Food Logging & MyFitness Pal
Send out weekly emails
Participants turn in weekly tracker sheet
Winner based on participation and percentages of results not actual weight loss numbers
NYC Videos:
Week 6: Staying Successful