5 Reasons Every Employer Needs An Employee Wellness Program

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If you are an employer considering implementing an employee wellness program, then this article is for you!

In today’s ever changing, and competitive business environment, many employers are realizing the significance of employee health and well-being as a vital component of their success. Implementing an employee wellness program is not only a wise investment, but also a practical necessity.

The good news is that just like when it comes to nutrition, creating a successful employee wellness program doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple initiatives to improve healthy habits can end up yielding remarkable results.

In this blog post, we will delve into why every employer should consider embracing an employee wellness program. We will even show you how the most straightforward wellness initiatives can positively impact employee health, job satisfaction, and overall employee morale.

So, let’s explore why an employee wellness program is an essential tool for fostering a thriving, and harmonious work environment.

Nicole Aucoin nutrition coach talking to an employee at an employee wellness initiative

What Is An Employee Wellness Program?

An employee wellness program is an initiative set forth by employers to create an opportunity for their employees to take part in activities that will help support their physical, and mental health. No matter what the size of the employer, an employee wellness program can be implemented in some capacity.

Many employers stress because they don’t think they are big enough to have a wellness program they can afford that is effective. This is not true! We offer a multitude of wellness initiatives to our clients in all price ranges. The process does not have to be complicated!

Nutrition coach Jason Aucoin doing an inbody on an employee at a employee wellness challenge

Employee Wellness Programs Don't Have To Be Complicated

JKS Construction partnered with Healthy Steps Nutrition to run a six week health and wellness challenge. During this challenge employees worked together to make healthy living a way of life. Employee engagement was high, and the results were staggering.

Josh Olsen, Director of Finance at JKS went on to lose 102 total pounds. His mission was to improve his physical health and see his daughter walk down the isle one day. He stuck with the healthy habits he learned when he took part in the first wellness program JKS offered through Healthy Steps Nutrition for their employees.

Healthy Steps Nutrition was invited back for a second initiative which Josh took part in again. At his final checkin it was discovered that he lost a total of 102 pounds! Check out Josh’s story below!

nicole aucoin doing an inbody on a employee wellness challenger

What Does An Employee Wellness Program Include?

Employee Wellness programs can typically be tailored to an employers needs, and often include a wide range of initiatives like health screenings, mental health support, nutrition education, stress management tips, fitness classes or fitness challenges, and harmful habit cessation programs.

At Healthy Steps Nutrition, we believe that every employee wellness program should include a holistic framework that addresses nutrition, sleep, stress management, support system, exercise, and lifestyle.

a room full of employees at a employee wellness kick of seminar showing wellness activities

Here Are 5 Reasons Every Size Employer Should Consider An Employee Wellness Program

  1. Create a positive impact on employee moral and company culture

    Did you know that 80% of employees who work for a company that offers a employee wellness program is happy at work? Out of that 80%, 85% say they intend to stay at their job because they care about their health and wellness.

    Employers who don’t offer a wellness program are only left with 40% of their employees enjoying their job.

    An increase in moral comes about for a few reasons.

    1. Most wellness programs have some sort of group initiative to them. Being part of a group fosters a sense of camaraderie with fellow employees. When co workers can relate to each others struggles to lose weight, practice healthy eating, or just learn healthy living, a connection is formed which definitely increases moral.

    2. By participating in group activities employees form a connection through engaging in teamwork, and social interaction. These interactions improve company culture.

  2. Reduce employer insurance premiums and reduce medical care costs

    Many employers big or small struggle with employee healthcare costs. Health improvements from wellness activities promoted through an employee wellness program can potentially reduce the need for medical care thus reducing medical care costs. This decreases the health plans overall cost.

    One study shows that 72% of employers saw a reduction in health care costs after they offered an employee wellness program.

  3. Increase productivity amongst employees

    When employees overall health is in check, they are more likely to be focused. Focus leads to efficiency, and productivity. Not only is this beneficial for the employer, but the employee also benefits from this efficiency.

    Efficiency helps with meeting deadlines thus helping with stress management. It also showcases the employees abilities which may put them in the spotlight for promotions or special projects.

  4. Reduce Employee Turnover

    Like we pointed out above, one study indicates that 85% of employees who work for a company that offers an employee wellness program, intend to stay at that employer. They stay because they feel supported, and know their employer cares about their health.

    When people in general feel supported and valued, they want to stay where this support is coming from.

  5. Enhanced recruitment opportunities

    The job market is competitive. Businesses are competing for top talent, and a company that offers an employee wellness program can stand apart from one that does not. 87% of employees consider employee wellness offerings when they are choosing an employer! That’s a lot of people!!

nutrition coach sitting on couch with nutrition client going over biometrics

What Makes A Successful Wellness Program?

In our mind a successful wellness program is on that produces results. Not everyone is going to see a 102 pound weight loss like Josh at JKS. But that doesn’t mean the program isn’t successful. Little wins make a big difference.

Signs of success are things like employees learning how to eat healthy snacks, to manage stress, make better choices at vending machines, and even discovering a better work life balance. All these little wins can improve well being which promotes happiness, productivity and job satisfaction.

nutrition coach taking biometrics on an employee wellness client demonstrating wellness activities

Does Healthy Steps Nutrition Offer Employee Wellness Programs?

Yes we do! And the great thing about our program is that companies can choose the type of initiative they would like to run. Employee participation is typically HUGE with our program and almost everyone sees results!

There are options to run a wellness challenge, offer a series of lunch and learns, or customize a package that includes revamping a break room to include healthy options in vending machines.

If you are interested in learning more about what HSN has to offer regarding an employee wellness program, click the link below!

Wrap Up

The primary goal of an employee wellness program is to improve the overall health and wellness of the employees. We have proven with all of the linked studies that unhealthy employees are unhappy employees.

If you are an employer reading this article, now is the time to implement a workplace wellness program! The benefits and statistics are too good to pass up!

Encouraging employees to participate isn’t as hard as you may think. Employees with health risks coming from their wellness assessments can be required to participate if they hold the employers insurance. Illness prevention is huge and improvements in employee health will decrease medical care costs for the employer.

Check Out What Others Are Saying About HSN Employee Wellness

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