July 4th Holiday Survival Plan

With the 4th of July this weekend, there will be lots of parties, food and alcohol!
How do you stay on track with your nutrition? If you know you are going to a party, plan ahead!

Here are 6 Tips for a Successful 4th of July Weekend!

1. Shift the focus
Take the focus away from food and concentrate more on spending quality time with friends and family
Focus on the social aspect of the holiday and enjoy some fresh air outside

2. Before the holiday celebration parties
Drink lots of water before
Eat a snack (protein and carbohydrate) before you go to the party
Offer to bring a healthy dish
Scope out the options

3. During the feast
Eat lots of veggies
Chew slowly
Drink lots of water and always carry a water bottle in your hand

4. Avoid over-eating

Remember, your our brain is 15 minutes behind your belly. This means it takes 15 minutes after you are full for your brain to register and tell you to stop eating! Slow down when you eat!
Eat with of smaller plates
Remember the plate method!
Eat your veggies first –> protein –> starch
If you are still hungry, go back for more veggies!
MINDFUL eating

5. Choose your alcohol wisely
Fruity and frozen drinks can add a TON of sugar (for example: Rum runner has 29-39 grams of sugar in each one- that’s 9-10 teaspoons of added sugar)
Moderation is key!
Stick with lighter drinks and water or soda water as a mixer

6. Modify your recipes
Try applesauce instead of oil
Cut down on the sugar and salt
Use greek yogurt instead of sour cream

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