The Value of In House Nutrition Coaching

Your clients respect you. They believe in the services and products you provide to them. They come to you when they need help and guidance.

Nutrition support and programming needs to be coming from someone they know and trust.

I was on the phone with a gym owner this morning. We discussed some of the options he provided in the past for his members regarding nutrition services. Most recently, he had a third party run a five-week nutrition challenge. The company came in and launched a challenge. It sounded great in theory, because he didn’t actually do any of the work to facilitate the challenge. His members had their biometrics tested at the beginning and provided with guides to follow.

When members asked him questions, he would just refer them to the company. It wasn’t his program. He didn’t have the answers. I’m sure you can guess how this story panned out. Less than half of the members finished the challenge and no one continued with the plan after the challenge was over.

Why is that?

As the owner of a fitness center, you and your staff need to know everything there is to know about the services you offer. You must believe in the products and services you are recommending to clients. Most importantly, you need to be able to provide support onsite and be the accountability partner that your clients need to be successful long-term with a nutrition plan.

Of course, having an option for some nutritional guidance is better than nothing if it aligns with your values and philosophy. But, if you are looking to offer the best service for your clients, consider offering in house.

If you aren’t involved with their plans, how will you know they are seeing the results they are looking for?

There is a reason why over 30 percent of our gym members are also ongoing nutrition coaching clients, and even more are following the nutrition plans. We are talking about nutrition constantly with our members and asking questions about their progress every time we see them. They know we care because we ask! They see results because we track them.


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