Food, Mood & Your Mental Health – Part 1
The connection between what we eat and our mental health is undeniable. What we eat influences our feelings, energy levels, brain chemistry, and cognitive function.

Nutrition Made Simple Podcast Episode 88: Is The Healthcare System Broken? Two Neonatologists View On Health, Nutrition & The Medical System
In this episode, two neonatologists, Dr. Benjamin Courchia and Dr. Daphna Yasova Barbeau, discuss the importance of a patient-centered approach to healthcare that prioritizes human

Nutrition Made Simple Podcast Episode 87: Understanding How Hormones Impact Weight Loss
In this episode, Nicole interviews Amanda Harr, one of the lead dietitians at HSN, Amanda shares her knowledge and passion about hormones and how they

Nutrition Made Simple Podcast Episode 86: Understanding Blood Sugar Management & Continuous Glucose Monitoring (Part 2)
In this episode, host Nicole Aucoin and guest Brittany Wharton, a registered dietitian and CrossFit trainer, discuss the importance of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in

Nutrition Made Simple Podcast Episode 85: Understanding Blood Sugar Management & Diabetes (Part 1)
Growing up, I never expected that my passion for helping others would lead me to become an expert on understanding blood sugar management and diabetes

3 Tips For Building A Positive Social Circle. Don’t Let Unsupportive People Sabotage Your Wellness Goals!
Did you know that your social circle is one of the most important things when it comes to working towards your goals? Imagine yourself extremely

Bring A Friend Week Registration
Thank you for your interest in joining us for Bring A Friend Week at CrossFit HSN. Here’s How It Works: Fill Out The Form Below

5 Habits Of Our Most Successful Nutrition Clients!
Our most successful nutrition clients have adopted several healthy habits that our other clients have not. As a nutrition coach, I can tell you that

Should You Hire A Nutrition Coach? 3 Questions To Help You Decide!
Are you overworked, tired and stressed? Do you come home from your daily activities starving because you missed lunch only to devour 1/2 a bag

Nutrition Made Simple Podcast Episode 84: 4 Tips To Help You Master Mindfulness
Amanda Haar strives to master mindfulness in order to feel fulfilled, but she must first learn to create margin, practice mindful eating, and cultivate an

Meal Prep For The Week In 5 Simple Steps! A Beginners Guide.
True confessions of a nutrition coach and gym owner. I hate to meal prep! Whew – I said it! But the fact of the matter

Nutrition Made Simple Podcast Episode 83: 10 Things I Wish I Knew As A Teen About Nutrition & Health
Today is going to be really fun. This podcast is actually geared for parents first, but then meant to be shared with your teen. 10