Nutrition Made Simple Podcast Episode 91: Understanding The Core Four Pillar Of Health: Inside The Healthy Steps Nutrition Framework

In this episode, Nicole Aucoin, founder and dietitian at Healthy Steps Nutrition, provides essential insights into the organization’s four pillars of health: nutrition, sleep, daily movement, and mindset. Nicole underscores the significance of adopting gradual, sustainable steps to prevent and reverse chronic diseases. She delves into practical tips for nutrition, emphasizing whole foods, balanced meals, and the reduction of processed foods and added sugars. She explores the MentalFit framework for enhancing mindset and addresses the importance of consistent physical activity for disease prevention. A special focus on the crucial role of sleep in blood sugar control and overall health is highlighted, advocating for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Throughout the episode, Nicole advocates for a step-by-step approach to building healthy habits, while emphasizing the need for a robust support system and creating an environment that facilitates healthy choices.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • Four Pillars of Health: Nutrition, Sleep, Daily Movement, and Mindset.
  • Nutrition Principles: Whole foods, balanced macronutrients, and reduction of processed foods and added sugars.
  • MentalFit Framework: Outdoor activities, engaging hobbies, and holistic approaches to mental health.
  • Significance of Daily Movement: Consistent physical activity for disease prevention, with a focus on post-meal walking.
  • Importance of Sleep: Highlighting the impact of 7-8 hours of sleep on blood sugar control and overall health.
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  • LISTEN:  CrossFit, Nutrition & Your Health >>HERE
  • LISTEN: Nutrition, Hormones & Your Health >>HERE
  • LISTEN: The Why Behind Healthy Steps Nutrition  >>HERE
  • LISTEN: Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast – Inside The Nutrition Program At CrossFit Brighton & How Nutrition Coach, Darcie Helped Brent Lose 100 Pounds >>HERE


At Healthy Steps Nutrition, we believe something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn’t be complicated, which is why we focus on a simple, habit-based approach. We know that helping you become the best and healthiest version of yourself isn’t just about what you eat, we focus on a holistic framework, addressing nutrition, stress, sleep, daily movement, support system and lifestyle


In this directory, you will find a list of the nutrition coaches and dietitians that use our program, written and overseen by dietitians.
These coaches have gone through coaches evaluations, have ongoing mentoring calls with our experts, and have been nutrition coaching using HSN for a minimum of four months.
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At Healthy Steps Nutrition, we believe something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn’t be complicated which is why we focus on a simple, habit-based approach when working with clients.
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Nutrition Made Simple Seminar Recording With Nicole Aucoin