Many things have changed for our families over the past few weeks. Most of us are currently working from home and our children are continuing with their education from home. This is all a very new way of life and we might feel ourselves struggling to find a new normal. But it is important to focus on what we can control – health, and making it a priority for our families. Here are 5 tips for helping your kids stay healthy and active during the coronavirus pandemic:
- Get On A Schedule
Kids (and adults) crave structure! Make a list of your kid’s daily tasks and create a schedule for them. You can create a schedule for exercising, education, nutrition and sleep. Schedule meals, snacks, reading and activities and get them into a new routine.
- Eat The Rainbow
No, we don’t mean skittles. Did you know that the different colors in produce provide you with different vitamins and minerals? Different colored fruits and veggies contain different vitamins and minerals that are all important for optimal immune health. So when choosing fruits and vegetables make sure to “eat the rainbow” and load up those plates with fruits and veggies for maximum health benefits!

- Keep Your Kids Active
While it might be easy for kids to sit in front of a screen or a TV, let’s get them outside and moving! Schedule time for family movement. Go for a bike ride, take a walk or sign them up for the HSN Virtual PE Class. This class is Monday through Friday at 11 AM. Register >>HERE.
- Limit The Sugar
Sugar causes an inflammatory response in the body. Many of the popular kids foods are loaded with excess sugar that they don’t need. Instead of grabbing the convenience foods and processed snacks, try letting your kids help in the kitchen to make a meal or snack. Some of our kid approved favorites are egg muffins, energy balls and turkey burgers. You can find tons of other kid friendly recipes >>HERE.

- Stay Hydrated
Drinking water is essential for keeping your body functioning properly and feeling healthy. Cut out the juices, sodas (regular and diet) and sports drinks – focus on drinking water instead! Try flavoring water with fruits, veggies and herbs. Our kid favorite flavored water combos include: strawberry + cucumber, lemon + basil, and blueberry + orange.
Join the Stay Healthy Broward & Palm Beach and surround yourself with a community who is motivated to Stay Healthy together >>HERE.
Stay Healthy,
Ashley Osterman
Director of Nutrition Education
Healthy Steps Nutrition